Notion self-hosted
Notion self-hosted


Self-Hosting Guide to Alternatives

7天前—Self-HostingGuidetoAlternatives:Notion...NotionisapopularSaaSplatformutilizedbyindividualsandteamstocompileknowledge, ...

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5 Best Open Source Alternatives to Notion

2024年3月4日 — AFFiNE: All-in-One Notion Alternative · Database. Easily create, organize, and track your daily note like never before. · Powerful Edgeless mode.

5 great open-source alternatives to Notion for 2024

2024年1月30日 — Logseq is a self-hosted Notion alternative worth exploring. It is designed as a knowledge management and collaboration platform with a focus on ...

Best self

2023年9月12日 — True, then the only alternation I've used is, Self-hosted available, Open-code (not technically open-source), but a great alternative ...


Open source project management for technical teams. Keep everything and ... Focalboard is an open source alternative to tools like Asana, Trello, and Notion.


Focalboard is an open source, multilingual, self-hosted project management tool that's an alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. It helps define, organize, ...

Notion Alternatives: Top 10 Self-Hosted Note

Notion is not available as a self-hosted solution but there are plenty of alternatives for power users and business that want to host a solution on-premise.

Open Source Alternatives To Notion

Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. License. MIT. Language.

Self hosted Notion Alternative?

2020年6月5日 — Hello all I was wondering if anyone has found any good new alternatives to notion with these feature sets? Self hosted or has the ability to ...


This guide can be used to set up a self-hosted version of beestat either for privacy or for the purpose of contributing to the project.

Self-Hosting Guide to Alternatives

7 天前 — Self-Hosting Guide to Alternatives: Notion ... Notion is a popular SaaS platform utilized by individuals and teams to compile knowledge, ...


2024年3月4日—AFFiNE:All-in-OneNotionAlternative·Database.Easilycreate,organize,andtrackyourdailynotelikeneverbefore.·PowerfulEdgelessmode.,2024年1月30日—Logseqisaself-hostedNotionalternativeworthexploring.Itisdesignedasaknowledgemanagementandcollaborationplatformwithafocuson ...,2023年9月12日—True,thentheonlyalternationI',Self-hostedavailable,Open-code(nottechnicallyopen-sour...

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